£250 Air training cadets for first aid training equipment
£1500 Benjamin Foundation to support Young Carers
£560 Cuddles and catch up parent and baby group for new play equipment
£872.8 Epic Events promotion of the cinema
£125 Epic Events towards their 5K run in June
£440 Friends of North Walsham Guiding to enable Guides to represent the town
£609.98 Friends of North Walsham Guiding oven and freezer
£1000 Funky Feet Dance & Acrobatics for props, costumes and equipment
£400 Guerrilla gardener for plants
£1596 Manor Road School to purchase books for children’s reading prizes
£1000 Millfield Primary School for forest school shelter
£500 Norfolk Camerata towards their performances in town later this year
£2038 North Norfolk Community Transport replacement of IT equipment.
£1980.10 (of a possible £4680 grant) North Walsham Chess Club equipment to set up their adults’ club.
£1600 North Walsham Childrens Day for entertainments at next year’s event
£1000 North Walsham Christmas Lights for refurbishment and improvement of lighting equipment
£1700 North Walsham Community Centre to update kitchen equipment
£5000 North Walsham Community First Responders equipment for new volunteers.
£1900 North Walsham Funday arena act
£637.9 North Walsham Good Neighbours for a laptop to be used by their duty coordinators
£478 North Walsham Heritage Group support of new interactive heritage display
£1045 North Walsham in Bloom to purchase gardening equipment.
£300 North Walsham Photographic Group display boards, printing and
£1500 North Walsham Round Table sponsorship of Beer Festival
£100 North Walsham Scout Group to support their Christmas gift project
£1500 North Walsham Table Tennis Club for table tennis table
£363.6 North Walsham Town Football Club U10 girls team for equipment
£500 North Walsham Town Football Club for clubhouse improvements
£247.16 North Walsham Town Football Club U10 girls team for equipment
£21.7 North Walsham Deaf Club support of their event
£600 North Walsham Town Football Club sponsorship of the U15 girls’ team.
£1000 Rainbow Nursery
£649 Remembering Together to help them to support of bereaved people.
£500 Sacred Heart Parish Hall towards a wheelchair compatible rear fire exit.
£600 Sacred Heart Parish Hall for new cooker.
£100 St Benets Trefoil Guild towards their churchyard garden
£350 Friends of North Walsham Library to help promote the events in the library
£350 U3A for publicising activities
£500 Walsham Drama & Singing Group for equipment to support their productions
£1659.08 New Stages for lighting control equipment
£673.9 Bradfield Cricket Club for coaching equipment